Season 2 | Episode 2

Italien, my love

Nature/Travel, Germany 2016

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In Città di Castello, Isabella Dalla Ragione has fulfilled a dream. She calls herself a "fruit archaeologist" - and is a kind of Indiana Jones of botany. In her "Garden of Lost Trees", 400 different types of fruit grow. She has discovered miracle figs that weigh half a kilo, rescued "drunken pears", "bloody peaches" and "Jesus Christ apples". The medieval town of Assisi is all about St. Francis. The frescoes of the basilica, destroyed by the severe earthquake in 1997, are still being restored today. Sergio Fusetti, head of the restoration work, opens the otherwise inaccessible archives. A short rafting excursion leads into the wild nature of the Valnerina...
44 min
Starting at 0
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Mirko Michalzki


Sven Voß

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16:9 HD, Color

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Starting at 0

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