Lola auf der Erbse

Book adaptation/Family, Germany 2014

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Actually, Lola's (Tabea Hanstein) world could be pretty okay. She is eleven years old and lives with her mother Loretta (Christiane Paul) on the old but beautiful houseboat "Pea". But since her father "vanished" two years ago, Lola has become an outsider. There is always trouble. To make matters worse, the unbelievable happens: your mother has a new boyfriend! His name is Kurt (Tobias Oertel), he is a veterinarian and, unfortunately, pretty nice. But you can't just change a dad, so Lola does everything she can to separate them. Apart from the old captain Solmsen (Olaf A. Krätke), Lola has no one to trust until one day Rebin (Arturo Perea Bigwood) comes into her class. The "new" is pretty closed and prefers to avoid the other students, which Lola can understand well. The funny thing is that Rebin's family is very scared and that he has to go to work secretly after school. Nevertheless, the two make friends. When Rebin's mother falls seriously ill, things get complicated, and Lola finds out that Rebin has a dark secret ...

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Annette Mierswa (Children's Book)


Tabea Hanstein (Lola)

Christiane Paul (Loretta Lachmann)

Antoine Monot Jr. (Barkelt)

Tobias Oertel (Kurt)

Peter Fieseler (Strube)

Olaf Krätke (Solmssen)

Berivan Kaya (Ayshegül Kitzilhan)

Original title:

Lola auf der Erbse

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 8 years


FBW "especially valuable"

Age rating:


Audio language:
